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Kapha Busting Sequence

Kapha tends to accumulate in the lungs and the stomach. Yoga āsana that stretch, compress, and otherwise stimulate these areas are ideal for busting up that stagnant kapha. Building heat by drawing on kapha’s inherent strength and stability in standing postures is another sure fire way to shake off the heaviness of kapha and feel lighter and more expansive in both body and mind. I developed the following sequence with an eye toward Āyurveda and pacifying provoked kapha.

Skill in Action

“Yogaḥ karmasu kauśalam”, says Kṛṣna - Yoga is skill in action. This famous line from the second chapter of the Bhagavad Gita is often cited in reference to our skill at performing āsana, but how skillful you are at putting your foot behind your head, or kicking up into handstand isn’t quite what Kṛṣna had in mind — in fact, he had quite the opposite in mind when he uttered these words to Arjuna.