In Āyurveda digestion is Queen. CCF tea (cumin, coriander, and fennel) is Āyurveda’s go-to digestive aid. These seeds work together to improve agni (digestive fire) and relieve digestive discomfort.

Dress up your kitchari

Eating a mono diet of kitchari can get boring, especially for our vata types who don’t always like regularity, and our pitta types who just really like to eat (kapha is steady and stable and can stick with the mono diet for quite some time). If you find that you are getting bored with your kitchari there are a few ways to dress it up.

All About Kitchari

Kitchari is a traditional staple of an Ayurvedic cleanse. Kitchari provides nourishment for the body during the cleansing process, while the unique spice combination aids digestion, and the split moong dal and white rice digest easily. In fact, many Indian families use kitchari in the same way we use Chicken Soup here in America - not feeling well? Eat some kitchari!


One of the most nourishing Ayurvedic self-care practices is abhyanga, or self-massage. It feels so luxurious to devote this loving attention to yourself.