In Āyurveda digestion is Queen. CCF tea (cumin, coriander, and fennel) is Āyurveda’s go-to digestive aid. These seeds work together to improve agni (digestive fire) and relieve digestive discomfort. Combined these seeds are tridoshic, meaning they do not aggravate any of the three dosha. Cumin, coriander, and fennel come together to create a mild, earthy flavored tisane (herbal tea).
Generally CCF tea is enjoyed after a meal for digestive support and to relieve feelings of heaviness, bloating, or indigestion. However, if you have weak agni, or a poor appetite you can add some fresh ginger to the mix and have your CCF tea before you meals to stimulate agni.
To make CCF tea:
1/2 tsp whole cumin seed
1/2 tsp whole coriander seed
1/2 tsp whole fennel seed
Method 1: Place the seeds directly in a small saucepan with 8-10 oz of water. Bring to a boil, turn off heat and steep for 5-7 minutes. Strain and enjoy warm.
Method 2: Gently crush seeds with a mortar and pestle and add them to a disposable tea bag, or tea strainer. Place tea bag or tea strainer in your mug and cover with 8-10 oz of boiling water. Steep for 5 minutes. Remove tea bag or strainer and enjoy.