Live Intentionally

Live Intentionally

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To be intentional is to be on-purpose. By setting intentions at the beginning of yoga practice you’re giving your practice a purpose beyond the benefits you receive yourself. In your yoga practice, setting an intention infuses depth into the practice by reminding you of the interconnectedness of all things .

Intentions are different than goals. Goals are about achieving something (I want to touch my toes). Intentions are more about creating the conditions for progress and growth (I’ll pay attention to my body). Intentions make us more aware of our thoughts and behaviors (with consistency in practice I’ll make progress toward touching my toes). Our intentions set the tone for the lives we are creating.

Intention setting is the first recommendation I make for every Ayurvedic client I see. If you really want to take charge of your health and wellbeing you have to be intentional in creating the conditions to thrive. I recommend that everyone make setting an intention first thing in the morning part of their daily routine. Setting intentions in the morning gives your day purpose. Your intention is the energy you want to align with for the day. Your intention is a reminder that your health and wellbeing are in your control.

Your daily intention can be something different everyday, based on how you feel when you wake up in the morning, or it can the same every day if there’s a challenge you’re overcoming or a virtue you want to connect with more. When you set your intention and then bring it back into mind throughout the day your thoughts and actions will be more on purpose.

Want to start living your life on purpose? Check out my FREE intention setting guide to get started.

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