Dinacharya Starter Guide

Dinacharya Starter Guide

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One of the most important concepts in living an Ayurvedic lifestyle is π——π—œπ—‘π—”π—–π—›π—”π—₯𝗬𝗔, your daily routine. Dr. Vasant Lad says "A daily routine is absolutely necessary to bring radical change in body, mind, and consciousness."⁠
Daily routines help establish a rhythm to your day that will support your absorption of nutrients, digestion, and sleep/wake cycles. Having a daily routine that includes dosha pacifying techniques will help you stay balanced, and the discipline of a daily routine can infuse your day with feelings of peace and calm and support your spiritual practices.⁠

Dinacharya is both nurturing and cleansing and these little moments of nurturing and cleansing throughout the day add up for big benefits.

At first dinacharya can seem overwhelming with the number of things to add to your routine. For years I resisted adding any of the practices because I felt like it was just too much to add to my already busy mornings. Being a pure blooded pitta meant if I couldn’t implement them all, I just wouldn’t implement any of them. Pittas tend to take a very myopic view of things and sometimes can’t see the forest for the trees. What I've since learned is that adding these practices to my daily routine actually helps my morning feel less rushed, and more calm β€” and I. Don’t. Have. To. Do. Them. All!!

I’ve implemented some of Ayurveda’s most important dinacharya practices a little at a time, developing one new habit before adding another.

One of the most simple practices to add to your daily routine is a cup of warm water upon waking. Starting the day with warm water helps to stimulate digestion and flush the kidneys. When we drink coffee or tea first thing in the morning we can strain the kidneys, stress the adrenal glands, and dehydrate ourselves. Try to have your warm water at least 30 minutes before you consume any other foods or liquids.

Tongue scraping is another simple practice to implement because you’re going to brush your teeth in the morning anyway. Before brushing use a stainless steel or copper tongue scraper to remove the white coating on your tongue. Gently scrape the tongue 5-7 times until the substance is clear and liquid. Tongue scraping aids digestion (your digestive system starts with your tongue!!), and removes ama (unmetabolized waste product) from your tongue. Tongue scraping also improves your sense of taste and leads to better breath.

Adding the use of a neti pot and nasya oil for nasal care is another important Ayurvedic daily practice. A net pot is a small ceramic pot used for nasal irrigation. Nasya oil is an oil and herb based form of nasal moisturization. Neti helps to clear kapha, cleanse the sinuses and remove excess mucus. Nasya moisturizes the nasal passages and supports mental clarity. We rarely think of nasal care, but it’s just as important as our oral care.

Make a habit of these three practices. Commit to adding them slowly to your daily routines until they are just as natural as brushing your teeth and washing your face in the morning. You can download a simple checklist here. In a few months we will revisit Dinacharya and add to your daily practices. Until then, be well!

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