An Ayurvedic Perspective on Allergies

An Ayurvedic Perspective on Allergies

It’s almost sneezin’ season. There might still be a chill in the air, but the days are getting longer, the afternoons are getting warmer, and the ground is thawing. On my daily walks I’ve seen the first of the crocus in bloom, the daffodils starting to emerge from their winter slumber, and the pregnant buds on my lilac bush look ready to burst. With these first signs of spring often comes increased hope and joy…….and for many of us an increase in mucus, itchy/watery eyes, and so. much. sneezing.

Like most other ailments, āyurveda first looks at the strength of agni when considering allergies. Agni is the Sanskrit word for fire. This fire is the intelligent, transformational element in the body. There are over 40 distinct agnis, or fires, in the body, but the agni we most commonly refer to, considered the mother of all agni, is jaṭhara agni, or the digestive fire. In āyurveda it is believed that when agni is impaired imbalance, illness, and disease set in. Therefore, the quality of our digestive agni is the primary indicator of our overall health and wellbeing. When agni is impaired the intelligence of the body can not properly handle foreign substances, like pollen, and instead treats them as invaders.

Allergy symptoms can be classified according to dosha, and the symptoms an individual experiences are often a reflection of their constitution (prakruti). For instance, a kapha predominant individual might experience more congestion, while a pitta predominant individual might experience more inflammation, or skin related symptoms. However, it’s also possible to develop allergy symptoms that are an expression of the current imbalance (vikruti). In this way, if you know your prakruti, your allergy symptoms can be an indicator of imbalances that need your attention.

Regardless of prakruti or vikruti there are some general guidelines everyone can follow to reduce, and in some cases eliminate, allergy symptoms:

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  • Eat a dosha appropriate diet. Eating foods that support doshic balance and pacify any current imbalances will help strengthen agni.

  • Eat meals at regular, and appropriate times. In order to keep the agni burning it must be fed at regular intervals. Think of agni like a campfire. In order to keep your fire burning you have to add wood regularly - too much wood too often will smother the fire, too little wood with too little frequency and the fire will burn out.

  • Avoid cold and heavy foods and drinks that can dampen the agni. Love a morning smoothie? That might not be the best choice to keep that agni strong. What do you think would happen to your campfire if you poured a heavy, wet, cold blob on it?

  • Include kapha reducing foods. These foods are light and easy to digest, and pungent to break up mucus. Just watch out for those pungents if you have a pitta imbalance.



  • Manage stress. Stress can impair agni. Make sure you are managing your stress with daily meditation, getting enough rest, and taking time for activities you take pleasure in.

  • Develop a daily prānāyāma practice. Prānāyāma, or yogic breathing, is a good way to reduce kapha and help relieve some of the kapha allergy symptoms. Kapālabhāti and Bhastrikā prānāyāma are particularly helpful for kapha pacification.

  • Daily movement. Moving the body motivates kapha, breaks up congestion, and energizes you if your allergy symptoms are brining you down. Try this kapha busting sequence.

  • Daily Neti Pot/Nasya. Use of a neti pot for nasal cleansing helps clear the sinuses of mucus, as well as any toxins the body might be responding to. Once you are sure that the neti water is all expelled follow up with a swab of nasya oil inside each nostril. Nasya oil will protect the nasal lining and mucus membrane, and potentially trap toxins to reduce the load your body has to handle.

Try incorporating the above recommendations now so you’ll be able to enjoy the fullness of spring when it arrives. If you need support determining your prakruti, the state of your agni, or implementing an āyurvedic lifestyle schedule an Āyurvedic Consult with me today and let’s get you on your way to feeling your best!

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